James T. Warring Sons Inc
James Warring Sons. Inc
James T. Warring Sons Inc. in Capitol Heights, Maryland, specializes in wood barrels, steel, plastic and fiber drums for your industrial and personal needs.


Rain Barrels that are Good For the Environment and Your Wallet

Rain Barrels are used to catch rain fall for many different reasons ranging in preventing unwanted erosion in an area and saving money on your water bill. Whatever your reasons may be, James T. Warring Sons Inc. has just the right sized barrel for you.
Blue Drum — Plastic Drum in Capitol Heights, MD
Blue Plastic Drum — Plastic Drum in Capitol Heights, MD

The Eco Friendly Choice

There is nothing more natural than rain. By capturing rain as it falls in an area you don't need it, you can save it, and use it for your plants when their soil gets dry. By using rain water, you are actually restoring the water cycle. In developed landscapes such as lawns and gardens, 55% of the water runs off and is not soaked into the ground where it is needed. By capturing excess water and using it where and when needed, you are making sure every last drop is benefited from.

Why Pay for Water when it can be Free?

Water naturally falls from the sky for free! When you capture and store rain, you are saving yourself money on paying for the water needed to keep your plants healthy during dry spells. Whether you have a small garden or full acres of landscape to maintain, we have the right sizes of barrels you!
James T. Warring Sons Inc. offers 30 gallon and 55 gallon plastic drums and 50 gallon whiskey barrels that can be converted into rain barrels. Let us know how much rain you need to collect and we will take it from there. Call us today at 301-322-5400 to learn more!

The District Department of Energy & Environment’s RiverSmart Homes offers rebates to property owners of residential buildings, commercial buildings, and community spaces in the District of Columbia who purchase and install rain barrels on their properties. Rebates are issued as a direct reimbursement at a rate of $2 per gallon of rain barrel capacity. The rebate ONLY covers the cost of the barrel itself, and barrels MUST meet program criteria. 

Learn more at doee.dc.gov/rainbarrelrebates, or email Maya Sterett at Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (msterett@allianceforthebay.org)

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